Native app or responsive web? How to choose in 3 steps

Good steps to take in Web development.


Remember back in the day, when the big industry hoo-ha was the incessant debate over HTML5 web apps versus native mobile apps? Seems like a lifetime ago, right? Well, the next incarnation is now upon us, and yes, folks, it includes the word that’s all the rage: “responsive.”

Put another way, a question that seems to be coming up time and again with our clients is “Should we invest our resources into ensuring our website is responsive to mobile and tablet devices, or should we pour that budget into native apps instead?”

Our answer is simple: It’s probably crucial to do both.

After all, mobile users tend to fall into either the heavy mobile web user camp, or the all-day apps consumer, so selecting one channel over another potentially alienates a large portion of your mobile audience.But what happens when a company really must choose between doing one mobile channel well, or…

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